General Beau Lee, Ph.D., Georgia’s Official Weather Prognosticator will perform his annual duty for united Americans at The Yellow River Game Ranch on Saturday, February 2, 2008 – His National Holiday.
Beau will meet and greet hundreds of bleary-eyed, faithful supporters at sunrise as he seeks his shadow. If Beau spies his ample shadow, citizens far and wide may anticipate at least six more weeks of woe-be-gone winter. Should Beau not see his shadow, prepare for Spring-like temperatures within the next six weeks.
Free admission to “Beau Believers”
All visitors will be admitted free 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM. Admission will be waived all day for any individual who can perform a realistic imitation of Beau’s Groundhog-ese “chatter” prior to 8:00 am. Anyone who has a birthday on February 2nd will also be granted free admission for the day. Appropriate photo identification or visa is necessary.
Live Groundhog Hotlines will open at 6:00 A.M., E.S.T. Advisories and updates may be obtained by calling 770-972-6643 or by checking the web site.. Hotline Ladies are huddled a mere ten feet from Beau’s estate and have a clear view of Beau’s every paw print. Gifts honoring Beau are appropriate.
About Beau
Beau has been recognized for his public service to Americans by four Georgia Governors; and has twice been commended for the accuracy of his predictions by The National Weather Service. He has received honorary doctorates from The University of Georgia – “DWP, Doctor of Weather Prognostication” and Georgia State University – “Doctor of Southern Groundology.” He has also earned the very special designation of “Cumulous Barometrist Groundhogolist”– a highly-coveted title among his meteorological peers.
Beau appeared on “The Today Show” with Willard Scott during The Democratic Convention in 1988. He answers his own mail (no form letters) with a complimentary V.I.G. (Very Important Groundhog) Photo on a year-round basis. In 2004, Beau was featured on Animal Planet on Feb. 2nd.
Every year, General Beau Lee, Ph.D. awakens to the ringing of the antique bell outside his “Weathering Heights” mansion, where he lives in touch with the elements year ’round– unlike his pampered counterpart in Pennsylvania who lives in a climate-controlled environment in the town library where he is fed dog food and ice cream. That’s why Beau can claim a 94% accuracy rating while the pampered impostor can only manage 85%.
About the Game Ranch
The Yellow River Game Ranch, Georgia’s oldest animal preserve, is now celebrating its 45th year of providing children and adults a ‘nose to nose’ experience with wildlife. The preserve has over six hundred animals and birds. The Game Ranch is open seven days a week except for certain holidays, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, with the last ticket sold at 5 pm.
The Yellow River Game Ranch is located at 4525 Highway 78, Lilburn Georgia. For further information, call 770-972-6643 or visit our web site!