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Fun stuff is happening year ’round at the Game Ranch!

“Dollar Day” — Pay a buck to see a buck! (Dates to be announced)

February 2 — Groundhog Day!

General Beau Lee, Georgia’s Official Weather Prognosticator, emerges from his Official Mansion to search for his shadow. See his latest prediction!

“Here a Chick, There a Bunny” — Special display of our animal babies! Baby chicks, ducklings, bunnies, lambs and kid goats to pet and feed and “ooh and aah” over.

The perfect month for a visit! Not too hot and plenty of growing babies to see.

Sheep Shearing Saturday — Scott Fuss, professional sheep shearer, provides annual trim for overcoated sheep, just in time for soaring summer temperatures. Karie Bell demonstrates dying and spinning of wool. Find out how you got your favorite pair of socks!

Rabbits, coyotes, bears, squirrels, peacocks– it is an unforgettable view of Nature.

Watch Whitetail Deer munch at “The Salad Bar” in the Barnyard daily from 4:00 to 4:30 pm.

Grandparents’ Weekend (TBA) — Bring your grandparents to the Game Ranch on “Grandparents Weekend” and you get in free!* Show them why the Game Ranch is one of your favorite places to visit.

Our hours change the Tuesday after Labor Day. Check here for info!

Majestic antlered bucks are on display. Enjoy this spectacle from “The Overlook.”

Every Wednesday in October… TODDLER TREATS!*
One toddler (2- or 3-year-old) admitted free with a paid adult admission.

Wild and very happy turkeys celebrate the season! The Game Ranch accepts your leaves and acorns– perfect winter treats for our animals.
“Thankful for You” Day”* — The Game Ranch will admit one child free* for each paid adult admission… the day BEFORE Thanksgiving Day. This will be a great opportunity for you and Dad to get out of the house… and out of Mom’s way while she prepares Thanksgiving dinner!

Call for Christmas trees… needed for the animals’ winter shelter and nesting area for babies.